“What makes you feel relaxed in nature?”: Exploring nature-based stimuli as inspiration for designing relaxing experiences

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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Nature experiences promote relaxation and wellbeing. To bring these benefits to people with limited access to nature, digital technologies can be used to provide nature experiences. However, we do not yet completely understand which exact qualities of nature and what mechanisms are involved in eliciting relaxation. To close this gap, we conducted a diary exercise (n=25) to explore interactions and qualities that stimulate relaxation in nature. Results revealed a typology comprising three pathways to promote relaxation through nature experiences: relaxation by sensing, thinking, and doing. In addition, 8 sensorial and 6 contextual qualities were identified, and a visual summary was made that can support designers in applying nature-based stimuli to the design of digital nature with relaxing effects.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2022
EventDesign Research Society Conference, DRS 2022 - Bilbao, Spain
Duration: 25 Jun 20223 Jul 2022


ConferenceDesign Research Society Conference, DRS 2022
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