Which factors obstruct or stimulate teacher educators to use ICT innovatively?

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This article discusses the factors which stimulate or limit the innovative use of ICT by teacher educators in the Netherlands. Innovative use of ICT is defined as the use of ICT applications that support the educational objectives based on the needs of the current knowledge society. Explorative path analysis and case studies were used to study the potential influencing factors. Results show that several factors on teacher level influence the implementation of innovative ICT-use in education. Especially, teachers who are so-called ‘personal entrepreneurs’ are important for the integration of ICT in teacher education. School level factors turn out to be of limited importance for innovative use of ICT. This indicates a limited involvement of the management of teacher training institutes towards the use of ICT within the curriculum.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)-
JournalComputers & education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • Improving classroom learning
  • Factors affecting technology use
  • Teacher education
  • Technology use in the classroom
  • IR-67979
  • METIS-243480

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