Widely tunable and narrow-linewidth hybrid-integrated diode laser at 637 nm

Lisa V. Winkler*, Kirsten Gerritsma, Albert van Rees, P. P. J. Schrinner, Marcel Hoekman, Ronald Dekker, Adriano R. do Nascimento Jr., P.J.M. van der Slot, Christian Nölleke, K.-J. Boller

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We present hybrid-integrated extended cavity diode lasers tunable around 637 nm, with a gain-wide spectral coverage of 8 nm. This tuning range addresses the zero-phonon line of nitrogen-vacancy centers and includes the wavelength of HeNe lasers (633 nm). Best performance shows wide mode-hop free tuning up to 97 GHz and a narrow intrinsic linewidth down to 10 kHz. Also, the maximum output power is 2.5 mW in a single-mode fiber, corresponding to an on-chip power of 4.0 mW. Full integration and packaging in standard housing with fiber pigtails provide high intrinsic stability and enable integration into complex optical systems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)29710-29720
Number of pages11
JournalOptics express
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 12 Aug 2024


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